My No-Fail Brownie Recipe

Brownies are extremely easy to do! Based on my experiences/ experiements, there's only 2 things that could make or break your brownies. 
  • the chocolate you use
  • baking time!

1. Always make sure you use really really good quality chocolates, and that means the expensive ones! haha. I always use either callebaut, beryl's and ghiarardelli chocolates in baking. The overall winner (taste and budget) for me is Beryl's, but in the category of taste alone, ghiarardelli wins!

2. Overcooked brownies are cakey brownies. There's is nothing wrong with that, just personal preference. To achieve fudgy brownies is easy, simply underbake it, but! Too underbaked and your brownies will sink in the middle! Unpleasant sight indeed! So calculating the right baking time and oven temperature is crucial. 


4 oz good quality chocolate
1/2 tbsp good quality cocoa powder
1/2 cup butter
2/3 cup flour
1/4 tsp baking soda
2 large eggs
pinch of salt when using unsalted butter
1/2 tsp vanilla extract (this is optional, I never add vanilla extract though)


Grease a 8x8 inch pan and preheat oven at 180 degrees celsius.
1. Melt chocolate and butter, once melted stir in the cocoa powder, set aside and let cool.
2. Once cool, fold in eggs one at a time.
3. Add vanilla extract.
4. Then fold in the flour and baking soda until just well blended.
5. Spread into pan and bake for 25 mins.
6. I always know mine is done well the top formed a slightly hard crust and inserted toothpicks comes out with few moist crumbs. Some people I know don't experience having a hard crust so don't trust that entirely. Just do the toothpick trick :)
7. Refrigerate overnight then slice. Makes 12 bars. 

Melt 2 oz semi- sweet chocolate. (Some chocolate does not harden after melting. Tempering is a hard job so use chocolates that hardens after melting. I use Goya callets.)

Pour melted chocolate in a piping bag and gently pipe crisscross patterns on your brownies to add extra effect. 


I always melt my chocolates in the microwave. Some people melt it in a double broiler but that just adds the risk of seizing. I really hate when that happens! 

Happy baking! :)


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