Peanut Butter cupcakes!

I'm not a fan of peanut butter; actually, nobody at home does. Perhaps it is the reason why I never acquired the taste buds for it. :) I have a motto: What I don't like, I won't bake/cook. Despite my body's defense against peanut butter, I still gave it a try in baking since one of my office mates ordered a batch and she has asked me to make one since last year (2012). :)

There are tons and tons of peanut butter cake recipes throughout the web, yet I decided to device my own recipe. So I thought why not use my favorite vanilla cupcake recipe then add some peanut butter. Ha! & then the experimenting began!

After making my first attempt, I thought it was a successful one. The cupcake tasted good, the texture was fluffy and it rose well. I was really happy so I called it a day, I decided to frost them the next day. Btw, I didn't refrigerate them. When I checked them out the next day, ARGHH! Every cupcake liner pulled away from the cupcakes! This only means one thing! The cupcakes have too much fat in them! This is bad! It was just then that I realized that yeah, peanut butter is like 80% fat! I should have lessened the butter! Why haven't I been clever enough last night? haha. Out of frustration, I decided to redo everything. Oh yah, it was 8:30 am then and I was scheduled for a job interview at 10:30. Heck! I decided to cancel the job interview! Delivering great cupcakes is more important! 

I lessened the butter by half and I crossed my fingers and prayed really hard. Whew, the cupcakes turned out great! And yes, the liners stayed glued to the cupcakes the whole day! 

Not that bad of an experience. :) I did say I don't like peanut butter but having it as a cupcake was a joy!

I decided to frost them with normal american buttercream frosting and the marriage was perfect. I little too sweet though but no one's forcing anybody to eat all the frosting. haha & I thought a peanut butter frosting over a peanut butter cupcake was too overwhelming.

I realized too that adding nuts and dark chocolate chips inside the cupcake is a good idea. It could give nice textures. Just don't use peanuts, use walnuts instead. I noticed peanuts secrete some unflattering flavors when cooked. Next time!

I'll be glad to share my recipe, I have some tweaking to do. Till next time!


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